You might be wondering, what in the world is a “keek”? Is it some sort of strange bird call? Think of tweets and their 140-character limit. Now imagine that short, concise message in a video. That’s what a keek is.
Instead of letting people infer what they want to from your 140-character tweet, a keek allows you to give the world a 36-second update. There’s a lot you can say and show in 36 seconds and you can give your viewers a better idea of what you’re updating about.
Show the world you’re at a concert, for example, and give them an idea of the noise around you. You can also share what being in a brain-numbing hours-long car ride is like. There’s no limit to what you can keek.
Keek originally let users make video updates using their webcams but since people have been breaking away from their computers, it was only natural for Keek to make its way to iOS and to Android.
To start keeking, you’ll need to create an account. Keek gives you the option of linking your account with your Facebook profile so that your friends, family, and anyone else on your Facebook social network can be updated on what you’re up to. You can upload as many keeks as you like, for free! Sky’s the limit for your 36-second long videos.
The main home screen is simple and has everything you need in one place. There’s the Watch button where you can access recently uploaded keeks, the Top 100 users, and your Stream. If you’re looking for something in particular, you can tap the Search button. My Profile is where you can access your profile but you need to be logged in to access it. Saved is where all your saved keeks are, waiting to be uploaded.
Making a keek is easy. On the Keek home screen, tap the green button at the bottom of the screen. You’ll be brought to the recording page but it hasn’t started recording yet. Tap the red button on the bottom and capture your 36-second video.
Once you’re done or once your time limit’s up, you can add a caption, @ mentions, # hashtags, and URLs to your keek. You can either choose to upload it now or save it to upload it later. Let your friends on Twitter and Facebook know what you’re keeking about by tapping the icons on the right.
The Keek app has both front and back camera support so you can take a video of yourself or a video of something you’re looking at with no problem.
If you don’t have any friends on Keek yet, you can tap the Watch button on the home screen and take a look around at what people are keeking about. You don’t need a Keek account to be able to view keeks, but you’ll need one to like and to reply to keeks in either text comments or keekbacks.
Keek does not support watching videos within the app and you’ll need another app to view it like ES Media Player or Streaming Media Player. You can like a keek, add a text comment or Keekback. You can also share it through Facebook, Plurk, Twitter, Google+, or email. Once a video plays, you can pause it at any time, handy for when someone interrupts your viewing.
Keeking is a fun way to share your experiences with the world. If you’ve been looking for ways to connect with other people but not hide behind just a 140-character tweet, then Keek is the way to go. You can download the official app from the Google Play Store for free.
SOURCES Keek on Google Play Store
TAGS Android AppsSocial AppsSocial MediaSocial NetworkSocial SharingStatus UpdatesVideoVideo AppsVideo Tweets
Android is Dan's last thought before she closes her eyes at night and her first thought upon waking up in the morning. And, between waking up and sleeping, Android is still in her thoughts. That's how hooked she has become to Android ever since she started covering Android news and writing Android app reviews.
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